During our twenty-fourth week, I had the pleasure of meeting (in real life) a dear friend. I met Joan back in January 2005 when she joined my Sims 2 group. This week, here and her mom traveled from Chicago all the way to Montana for a visit. I had a wonderful time with 2 wonderful women.
Me, Boston and Joan
Joan and her mom, Mary.
I thought this was neat. It is a view of inside (looking up) the historic tipi-burner at Fort Missoula.
On August 13th I had the pleasure of capturing another great couple joining their families together.
I just love weddings! I was shocked when 2 couples asked me to do their weddings this summer. I kept telling myself, "I'm no photographer, what do I think I'm doing?" I remember reading a quote a bit less than a year ago that really stuck with me;
To do anything in this world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in, and scramble through as well as we can. -Sydney Smith
So that is what I did. I was scared. Very scared. I thought surely I'd mess up the moments that were passing right before my eyes. Moments that I couldn't ask one to redo should I not get the shot. But guess what? I didn't mess it up! In fact, they were both pleased with their pictures. I'm so glad I didn't ruin it. I learned a lot and found that in fact I do pretty well under pressure. I'm no expert and have a million and one things left to learn, but the first step needs to be taken. Rare is it that someone can be a pro at something upon first trying it. Anyway, here are a few of my favorites from Nick and Catherine's big day.