Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Off the Deep End: Deep Cleaning Fun

Not. Okay, there's every day cleaning and DEEP cleaning. I've been doing a lot of the latter the past few days and it is NOT fun. I think Ryan must think I've gone crazy, but I'm cleaning and re-cleaning cupboards, corners, nooks and crannies. It's so hard with a big ol' belly in the way. There's still so much clutter all around and I just want to get rid of everything!


I've been pretty exhausted this past week, so that doesn't help my "need to clean" at all. Saturday I took a five hour nap. I didn't even know I was capable of doing that! Normally I can get tired in the middle of the day, but when it comes to actually shutting my eyes, forget it. Just talking about napping is making me tired. I still have a lot to do around here, I haven't even really touched the tip of the iceberg. I feel like time is running out so fast and I just want to at least be able to have a clean house before the baby is born. Only 19 days till my due date, and I know it's going to fly by.

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