Friday, March 11, 2011

Boston is 1 Week Old

Oh boy, the time is already flying by! he's already growing up on me! I love him so much! Today Boston is 1 week old. I figured I'd do a fun little project and take a picture of him every week and at the end of the 52 weeks (1 yr) I'd put them all together in a music video so he'd grow before your eyes.


I also wanted to get a few quick shots of Ryan and I with him for his birth announcement. I thought they turned out decent for doing it against our stark white boring bedroom wall (I really want to get some paint and decor going in our room someday soonish).

Mommy and Boston

Daddy and Boston

I also got a 1 week postpartum picture. I'm feeling pretty good!


I spent a good part of the day going through and editing the labor and deliver pictures. Don't worry, nothing gross will be shown, haha.

I have a LOT of pictures to go through still--close to 600. I know, I know, crazy right?! A lot of them are darn near duplicates as I just start snapping away! Also some are blurry so I will get around to deleting those too.

And then there is the nursery. I haven't forgotten about it. I have a lot of nursery updates to photograph and post in the coming days. I'll get to it, I swear!

UPDATE: His birth announcement



  1. That birth announcement is really cute! The pictures are great even with the plain wall. Boston takes such great photos already, can't wait to see how great they'll be when he smiles :)

  2. Amanda, this is fabulous! I love your little boy and am just aching to cuddle him! (((hugs)))

  3. Thanks Melissa! I'll let you know the second we make our way over to Spokane. It might be awhile, but if I do, we should meet up for coffee! *hugs to you Red*
