I spent the past week or so cleaning, doing laundry and being spoiled by Ryan. He's so good about bringing me what I need when I need it. He's gotten up many times in the middle of the night to get me water and make a middle of the night breakfast. He rocked that crib out, and has made us dinner every night (well, really he's made dinner every night for the last 10 months give or take a time here and there when I felt up to it). He works hard to provide for his family and I am so grateful for him. I can't wait (well I can) to start bringing in some money again too. Not that we need it at all, I just like to feel I'm contributing. Plus our savings can keep growing, growing, growing if I'm bringing it a bit of an income.
Here are a few pictures showing how much fun we all had this week:
Boston with uncles Ricky and Rhett
Boston and Grandpa Dunn
Boston and Grandma Dunn
***More pictures on my Flickr***
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