Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Quick Boston Update

Man oh man if feels good to get on here. I've been so overwhelmed with all of the things I want to do but can't get to. Like writing the birth story before I forget things. I also have all of these profound mommy revelations I'm DYING to write out on here so I don't forget those either. All my little man does is sleep, eat, poop and sing. He SINGS! It's the cutest darn thing I've heard in my entire life. I'm so in love it's ridiculous. Now I know EXACTLY what Steven Tyler was talking about when he said 'I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep cuz I'd miss ya babe, and I don't wanna miss a thing.' I could seriously lose hours just watching him sleep.

Still in the hospital. I love the wrinkled ol' man forehead

A person can never really understand a parents love for their child until they themselves are parents. I thought I had a pretty good idea how much love a person could give a child, but I wasn't even close! Now I know just how much my mom loves me and it makes me love and appreciate her 4,894,374,373 more than I already do! I'm just a huge well of happy tears and emotions around my house constantly. Everything makes me tear up with happy tears. Just watching Ryan with Boston actually takes my breath away.

Getting ready to leave the hospital

I want to document every second of this, but I already feel like I'm falling behind! I have sooooo many pictures and videos already. I have major plans for a pregnancy/labor/delivery music video. I almost have enough pictures and videos already to fill a hard drive I swear! LOL. Ahhhh. I had a pretty hard time just trying to figure out a new photo filing system because naming a folder 'Boston march 9, 2011' just won't cut it!

Car ride home

Boston is an epic sleeper (so far). I've gotten more sleep than I even know what to do with! I'm sleeping a heck of a lot deeper and better than I did at any point during the pregnancy!!! It's crazy! I fall into a really, really deep rejuvenating sleep, but the second I hear a little song or whimper from Boston, I snap awake and make sure he's okay. I have to pull out all the tricks to get him to wake up in the night to eat and be changed--he just doesn't want to wake up! He had his first doctor appointment yesterday and the nurse practitioner told us that once he gains back his birth weight, we won't need to wake him up in the night to eat at all. (she also said he has some awesome muscle tone. Must be from all of those late night workouts he was doing in-utero!) I still would feel horrible though if he went really long stretches of time without eating, because he would just sleep, sleep, sleep if he could!

Kiley and Boston_Homecoming_March_6_2011-24
Cousin Kiley holding Boston. I think she thinks he's a keeper

When he is awake and eating, he does awesome. He took right to it about 20 minutes after he was born. He was skin to skin with me while they were doing all the end of delivery stuff and he was rooting around for some food very quickly. It doesn't hurt and it's great to be able to have that bond. I just about melt every time he looks up at me while I talk to him. He answers me back with his little songs. So far he has two nicknames that I call him. I call him my Little Singer (obviously lol) and my Little Sweet. And of course his name. I have soooo much more to write, but I'll get to it later. Tons of pictures coming very soon.

Kiley and Boston_Homecoming_March_6_2011-31
Kiley is concerned. He makes this face but rarely even cries!

***There are more pictures on my Flickr to the right ----> If you want to see more.


  1. I loved reading all this... he's so precious.. can you belive we are moms to these fantastic boys!! now I need some of your sleep! you guys did a fantastic job he's one lucky lil man ;) xoxo emily

  2. Ahhh-mazing girl! sounds like u did an amazing job and will continue to do so! Was so cool to run into u at that class! We'll have to meet up soon, i'd love to meet him and catch up :) Also would love to read/hear ur birth story! love those!

  3. Thanks for sharing! So sweet and amazing! Can't wait to hear more!! :-)

  4. Thanks Em! I know, it is crazy! I seriously wish I could bottle up some of my sleep and send to you because really, I have extra!

    Tara, thanks! I'm so glad I ran into you. I've thought a lot about you the last few years and wondered how you were doing. So glad we're back in touch now! Yes we definitely should meet up. I should be posting a birth story as soon as I get time. I'm sure I'll have a clean version and a dirtier version because I'm sure most people don't want to read the dirtier one, but I want to have it for my memories, haha.

    Lindsay, Thank you. Your little man is waiting for you just around the corner. I can't wait to see pictures of him! You guys are going to be amazing parents!
