Just today I fed Boston and said to myself "Self, just DO SOMETHING!" So I did. I vacuumed. We have a bagless vacuum and thank goodness for that because the garbage can had about 25 puppies in it. There is SO.MUCH.DOG.HAIR.IN.THIS.HOUSE!!! I'm constantly picking dog hair off of Boston and his clothes and blankets. Out of his mouth even! Ugh! I gave Judy a bath a few weeks ago. Walters bath is still pending. Ryan and I tried for about an hour one night to get him in the tub. We got him in a few times, but he'd struggle right back out. I don't know what his deal is! Once he's in the bath and getting scrubbed he loves it, but he always makes a huge production out of getting in. I've been brushing both dogs daily and that seems to be helping with the shedding. I don't know if this is a weird year and they're shedding more, or if I just never really noticed how bad it was before? Weird.
Another thing I want to get to very soon is raking the yard. Not just the leaves, oh no, I have lots of dog poop to rake up too. It's seriously a dog poop graveyard in the back side yard. So gross! I have all sorts of cleaning, purging and organizing plans to fill my weekend. Let's just see if I can actually find the motivation that seems to be hiding from me lately.
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