I was sort of sad to have to clear out most of Boston's newborn-3 month clothing and restock with his 3-6 month stuff. About 1/4 of his 0-3 month outfits still fit him. Of the ones that didn't most were just wayyy too short for him and he looked like he was wearing Simon Cowell V-necks! He's a long boy! I kept a gift bag in the closet to put his outgrown clothes in. As you can see in the picture below, it was starting to really overflow, so I just decided to get a tote and tackle this closet. I want to keep everything as neat and organized as I can so it will be easier to go through and use for future kids.
Here is the closet before the restock:

And with the new clothes (and some old that still fit):

I can't believe my baby has grown so much already! It really does go by too fast!
It does go by really quick. Its like I blinked and Aubrey was 5!