Sunday, July 24, 2011

I Know I Sounds Like A...

Photobucket. So guess what, I've been slacking in the blogging department. I've been so busy it's ridiculous. Good ridiculous.

I shot my first wedding last weekend! I've put in a lot of late nights this past week, but I think it's paid off a bit. I've been thinking more and more about it lately and have decided I need to do something to get my "business" straightened out. More and more people are asking me to take photos for them. I never in one million years dreamed of myself as a photographer. It is a hobby that I love, but never thought I was any better than a hobbiest (is that even a word?). Other people seem to think otherwise. Thanks for the flattery and compliments everyone!

I fancy myself a designer, not really a photographer. Just reading about setting up a small business is making my head spin and I have a business degree! I'm not setting out in this endeavor to make a ton of money. I'm not even really looking to make much of a profit at all, but I know Uncle Sam will want to get his slice of whatever meager pie I get. All I want to do is be legitimate. If anyone reading has any expertise in this area, feel free to sound off!

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