When I saw this baby sitting all by its lonesome at a thrift store in Libby--with a $3.00 price tag mind you, I had to snag it up! I've been looking for something like this for years and when I saw it I knew I had to have it.
I know what I'd put in a large card catalog with many many draws. I'd put all my little craft things and office goodies. I'm having a hard time deciding what to put in this guy--if I should use if for business or pleasure. Hmmm. I'm not even sure what room I want it to go in? I thought office at first, but that's so expected. Right now it's on the kitchen counter where our mail usually gets piled up till it's flowing onto the floor.
I think it might eventually end up in my bedroom after we redo it. It will probably set on a refinished dresser I have yet to find and refinish. Not sure what I'll put in it, but I'll have awhile to figure it out since it's already been 3 years since we started the bedroom remodel and not finished it haha! I'm still debating whether or not I'm going to paint it. I do love the gun metal gray color (I'm really on a gray kick lately) and I do love the imperfections and scratches on the surface. It's not brand new and perfect, it's used. Loved.
If anyone ever finds an old card catalog, you can buy it for me!
I lust after drawer units too and get card catalogue envy when The Big Bang Theory is on - glad someone else spotted them and it's not only me :-)