I just love weddings! I was shocked when 2 couples asked me to do their weddings this summer. I kept telling myself, "I'm no photographer, what do I think I'm doing?" I remember reading a quote a bit less than a year ago that really stuck with me;
To do anything in this world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in, and scramble through as well as we can. -Sydney Smith
So that is what I did. I was scared. Very scared. I thought surely I'd mess up the moments that were passing right before my eyes. Moments that I couldn't ask one to redo should I not get the shot. But guess what? I didn't mess it up! In fact, they were both pleased with their pictures. I'm so glad I didn't ruin it. I learned a lot and found that in fact I do pretty well under pressure. I'm no expert and have a million and one things left to learn, but the first step needs to be taken. Rare is it that someone can be a pro at something upon first trying it. Anyway, here are a few of my favorites from Nick and Catherine's big day.

Nick & Catherine's Wedding seems fantabulous. The pop of red roses in these photos is driving me crazy. I too want a monochrome wedding and now would like to add the pinch of red color to some of the details to make it look like this one. Can you please help in finding the best San Francisco wedding venues for that?