Monday, October 18, 2010

Starting Line of the Nursery

One thing I've always been excited about since finding out I was pregnant was the prospect of designing the nursery. We still don't know if baby is a boy or girl, but the color scheme I FINALLY decided on is gender neutral. Yay! I'm still feeling pretty overwhelmed with all of the options for everything from the crib to the changing table to the accessories and toys. Everything I see I'm literally like a kid in a candy store; "Ooooo, pretty, I like that, no that, that one's awesome!" I'm not doing a theme perse, but I want to have a lot of different animals and kind of a vintage feel to the space. Also, I want it to all tie together. I don't want it to scream BOY or GIRL, so we're going gender neutral with the colors and letting the accessories do that boy/girl talking.

I have a lot of DIY ideas for this space. The question is am I taking on too much? Just off the top of my head I know I want to:

1. Design all of the artwork pieces.
2. Paint all of the thrifted frames white.
3. Refinish and reupholster a rocking chair that has been in our family a long time.
4. Build cloud shelves. (I'm sorry but the metal versions I saw online are rediculously overpriced at $69 each!
5. Get a new closet door. The mirrored door look is OUT, and has been for quite some time.
6. Get a new fan/light and install.
7. Make a curtain for the window.
8. Attempt to revisit my quilting skills and make a baby quilt.
9. Make an afghan.
10.Recover the Boppy I got. It's in amazing shape, but is ugly as sin.

These are just the things I'm going to be DIYing! I still have a lot of looking around online and in stores for everything!

I've already scored some neat finds. My mom and I went to our favorite Missoula second hand store, YMCA Secret Seconds. I got a few new looking teddy bears, a boppy, a vintage little people schoolhouse with oversized little people, a neat animal shelf with hooks to hang coats, etc. from, a vintage clown and a few used books. I love bringing things home, cleaning them up, and making them my own! I really do think half the fun is going out searching for things. Sometimes you didn't even know you needed it till you saw it! I just hope that in the next few days I can nail down the color pallette and find my DREAM crib that I have one picture of, but can't find online anywhere! I'm also going to be working on a storyboard or two of the overall color scheme and look and feel I'm going for. Afterall, we find out if the baby is a boy or a girl next week. I can't WAIT!!!!!!

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