Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dresser Refinishing: Part 4 Painted and Finished

WOOO it's all done! Talk about back breaking work when you're 8 1/2 months pregnant. I wanted to give up so many times throughout the process, especially while painting in the black outlines. I started with the drawers doing freehand, 3 coats. Talk about work! On the straight lines on the actual dresser I thought I'd be smart and use painters tape to make it go super fast and look super straight. Didn't. Work. Out. I was so excited to see the result after it was dry, I peeled back the tape and I about cried! It was all jagged and splotchy! Howwwww? I was so distraught I didn't even take a picture of it to show.

Needless to say, I wrecked my nails scraping the black off of where it shouldn't have been and free handed white over what was still left. It actually turned out really nice after ALL THAT WORK! I'm actually quite proud!

Before and after, what do you think?

Ignore my extremely messy kitchen, this dresser took up my whole weekend.



I love how smooth the paint job came out!


  1. Gorgeous! If I ever have a baby you need to do my nursery. :) So glad it worked out the way you wanted it to!

  2. Thanks Megs. I have a lot of fun planning everything. I was going through 'planning withdrawals' after my wedding, so it was nice to have something new to consume my time. Haha.
