Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Week in a Nutshell

My doctor appointment this week wasn't like the others. My blood pressure was up. It wasn't high for a normal person, but it was high for me. I tend to have very, very low blood pressure usually. We also got another ultrasound so we could see how the baby is positioned and that everything was fine with him. It was. But she was a bit concerned with the low level of amniotic fluid he had around him. She threw out the term preeclampsia and had Ryan and I about half scared to death.

She sent me down to the lab for some blood work and scheduled another appointment for the following day. She told me to take it easy and stay well hydrated. Which I did. The next day we go in and right as we sit down another couple is coming out from their appointment so the doctor saw us and had a big smile saying that the lab work looked great. We went back and she went over the labs. Nothing that would indicate anything serious. We got another ultrasound and the amniotic fluid was much better. She did say that the day before, Baby B's bladder looked full. The next day it wasn't, so that might have been where a lot of the fluid was hiding. I still think it's so funny that babies drink their own pee!

I didn't make a big deal about it or really tell anyone anything was wrong because we didn't know if it was or not and the last thing we wanna do is worry our families unnecessarily. So if this is the first you're hearing/reading anything about this, it's the first we've told anyone.

We had planned to make one last trip up to Libby before baby this weekend, but the doctor wants me to stay close to home. She thinks he may come a bit early. After the slight scare on Tuesday, I'm really trying to get things in order around here (without over doing it, don't worry). That and the fact that it's supposed to snow all weekend, we're staying home.


I think a lot of the reason my blood pressure was a bit high is a mixture of the stress of trying to get everything ready in time, the crib not being functional, and Lady dying. She was such a special part of our family, and I miss her so much.

Today I washed every bit of baby clothing and blankets. I ordered the detergent I need to wash the cloth diapers. We have pretty big plans to get some things checked off our list this weekend. We have a newborn education class on Saturday, that we would have had to miss, so it's nice to be able to go to that. We have to get the closet system, figure out what car seat to buy, and make a few other purchases.

My mother-in-law was so nice again and hemmed the curtains for me. All I have to do is get the elephants on them and get them hung up. I have a few small projects I'd also like to work on this weekend.

I have another doctor appointment next Wednesday.

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