He's still just as good as ever. There were a few nights his tummy was upsetting him that he was up more than usual, but for the most part, he's only up a few times here and there a night! He still doesn't cry much. He makes the face like he's gonna let you have it, but then just grunts, it's kind of funny. The second he gets what he wants he stops crying.
Next week we're heading up to Libby so he can meet some friends and family. I can't wait for my grandma to finally meet him. We haven't been to Libby since the weekend before Christmas, so it's definitely time to go! I can't wait to hit the Amish store! I LOVE that place! I think I'm going to be stocking up on their homemade oatmeal cookies, OMG yes please! So good.
Hopefully I'll get a start on the pregnancy/birth video this weekend. It's so hard to edit video in Final Cut Pro because my Mac is super slow, and rendering takes forever. Windows Movie Maker just won't cut it. I'm going back to using Pinnacle to get the job done quickly. It may not be as good as FCP, but I'll take it!
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