Thursday, May 5, 2011

Nursery Progress

I'm sure a few of you are wondering why I never posted the final finished pictures of Boston's nursery. Well, mostly because I'm not done. Is a room ever REALLy done? I've been slacking hardcore on his quilt. I'm happy to report that I have all of the blocks sewed together, I just need to attach the back and add binding.


Here is a little list of the things left to do for me to consider the room "done", at least done enough to post the after pictures.

-Finish quilt
-Hang his Boston picture
-figure out new shelves, secure to wall, and load with stuff
Ikea Ekby Bjarnum Shelf
Basically that's IT! Not a lot left to do. My biggest dilemma (well Ryan's really) is to get shelves that will fit the Ikea brackets we bought. I could give in and just figure something else out altogether, but I'm stubborn like that. I have had these shelves pictured in my head for many many months, and I've waited so that I can have them as pictured.

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