He sucks on his hand a lot now. Before this week he really would only accidentally find it and suck on it, now he can do it purposefully. He's been sleeping from 11:30 PM/midnight through till 6:30 AM/7:00 AM. Every night this week. Then goes right back to sleep after eating till about 10:30 AM.
He still doesn't cry! Never! He grunts and kind of whimpers when he needs something and the second he gets it he's good. Now and then he'll give a quick little yell, but he's never very loud. The only times he's cried for us is a few times going into the car seat and getting out of the bath because he was cold. But the second he's gotten what he needs he just cuts it right off. Everyone I've talked to about his non-crying has said they'd never heard of it. I thought maybe he's broken (not in a bad way) or something. I did a bit of googling and it just seems that some babies are just not criers. How in God's name did I get so lucky to have one of them? This must mean that the next kid/kids we have are going to be screamers. For now I'm just sitting back and enjoy him.
He's such a fun and easy baby. I love every single day we have together. Sometimes after he's gone to sleep for the night I just lay there and look at him down in his little co-sleeper and think, "how did I get so lucky". He's everything I ever could have wanted and more. I still can't believe he's mine.
I'm so happy that tomorrow I will be celebrating my first mother's day with a living baby. We're going out to Ryan's parents house and he's making his mom's favorite for dinner. Risotto. It's reallllly good the way he makes it! I think maybe while I'm out there I'll kick my lazy streak and work on the quilt. I want to get that finished already!
Okay enough of my rambling. I went totally overboard on pictures this week, sorry! Here is our week in pictures:
this was an outtake from our one week photoshoot that we did to get pictures for the birth announcement. I was just messing around and kind of liked how it turned out.
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